Friday, October 9, 2009


So, today was my first day of CIEF classes, or actually just orientation (again), and yesterday was my first day of classes at the "real" French University. All was well, and actually fairly easy. All of my teachers seem very nice, and I can't wait to get started on the semester. I really think this is going to be a good one for me.

I hope to go out tonight, to a movie with friends, and maybe do some tequila shots. We'll see. I have to catch the 5:46 am train to Paris tomorrow (yay) and then I'm staying there to see a concert. LIVE MUSIC. I can get through this, I know it. The weekend after, Imma chill in Dijon some more, and then the weekend after that (the 23rd) I'm driving to Frankfurt with Daniel, Olga, and Hyo. I can't wait to go to Germany. Seriously. Gonna be so bomb. I hope I can eat some bomb ass food. As well, I'm making plans to go to the Christmas Market (Marché Noel) in Strasbourg in mid-December. There's a Clark sponsored trip to Geneva the same days that I'll be in Frankfurt which sucks, but I think I can handle not going to Geneva. I'll go there some other time.

As well, I got a french cell phone finally, but I have yet to apply for my carte de sejour. Oh god. We can only hope that I'll be let back into the country. I should wont quite have been 60 days lol. It's so weird that it's already early-mid October. Time is really flying. Apparently halloween isn't very popular out here. Sort of makes me sad. I would have liked to have a huge party out here.

Currently apartment hunting. Not the Vero's place is bad, but I feel that for 22 Euros a day, it's not really worth it. I could get a studio in centre-ville all to myself for half the price. As well, the other Japanese girl, Ioka, and a canadian boy, Billy, have arrived. They're my new housemates. Both very nice. Each strike me as sort of quiet, but that's not a bad thing. I hope I don't come on too strong to either of them.

I'll keep this updated with any more happenings when I get back from Paris.

1 comment:

  1. i guess you should start updating this again. or else we'll spend the next year not speaking to each other.

    facebook isn't coming back.

    i miss you. let's make this work.
